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Multichannel ecommerce from a customer’s perspective

When you run an e-commerce store, it’s like having a bunch of different doors through which customers can walk into your shop. Some might come in through their smartphones, others through their computers, and some might even pop into a physical store (if you have one). 

Let’s take a closer look at how all these different ‘doors’ work together in multichannel ecommerce. Think of it as following a customer’s journey – from browsing products on their phone while lying on the couch to maybe checking out the same items later on a bigger desktop screen, and possibly even visiting a physical store to get a real feel of the product.

Why does this matter to you as a store owner? Well, understanding this journey can really help you connect better with your customers. It’s not just about having a store in different places, but making sure that your customer gets a great experience.

Mobile browsing – the starting point

Alright, let’s dive into the world of mobile browsing in the context of multichannel ecommerce. It’s like the first chapter of a shopper’s story with your store.

How is mobile commerce transforming the future of e-commerce?

Mobile website accessibility

Picture this: you’re on your morning bus ride, coffee in one hand, phone in the other, and you decide to check out some new gadgets. This is where a lot of your customers are starting their shopping journey. Here’s what makes this part tick:

Speedy and snappy: Everyone’s in a hurry, right? So, your website needs to load fast. No one likes waiting, especially when they’re about to spend some cash.

Easy to navigate: Think of your mobile site like a really good map. It should be super easy for your customers to find what they’re looking for. Big buttons, simple menus – that’s the sweet spot.

Finger-friendly design: Ever tried tapping on a tiny link and ended up somewhere else? Annoying, isn’t it? Your site should be all about those big, easy-to-tap buttons.

Benefits of personalized mobile content

Now, let’s say your customer has found your site. How do you keep them around? Personalization is your secret sauce here.

Just for you recommendations: Imagine walking into a store and the salesperson knows exactly what you like. That’s what personalized recommendations do – they show your customers stuff they’re likely to buy.

Clear and catchy product info: On mobile, you’ve got less space, so make every word count. Great images, short and sweet descriptions – that’s what we’re aiming for.

Deals that pop up at just the right time: Ever got a discount just when you were thinking about buying something? Feels good, right? That’s what timely, location-based offers can do for your customers.

Also, don’t forget to create content that will engage customers on their mobile devices

The role of mobile apps in e-commerce

Moving on from web browsing, let’s chat about mobile apps. They’re like having a mini version of your store right in your customer’s pocket.

Unique features of mobile apps

Think of your app as your customer’s VIP pass to your store. It’s got some cool perks.

Notifications that nudge: You know those little messages that pop up on your phone? With an app, you can send these to let your customers know about a sale or a new product. But remember, it’s about being helpful, not spammy.

Easy-peasy interface: An app should be all about making shopping as easy as flipping through a magazine. Big pictures, smooth scrolling, and a checkout process that’s a breeze.

Exclusive stuff just for app users: Everyone likes to feel special, right? Offering app-only deals or early access to sales can make your customers feel like VIPs.

Gif made out of this sentence: Get a mobile app for your store. Boost sales, engage users, grow. OmniShop logo at the end.

In-app engagement and conversion

Now, why do apps matter so much? It’s all about keeping your customers hooked and making it super easy for them to buy.

One-tap buys: The less your customer has to do to buy something, the better. If they can make a purchase with just one tap, you’re onto a winner.

Keeping them in the loop: With an app, you can keep your customers updated on their orders from start to finish. It’s like giving them a window into your store.

Building a habit: The more someone uses your app, the more likely they are to buy something. It’s about making your app a regular part of their day, like checking their email or scrolling through social media.

Deep diving on desktop

Alright, we’ve talked about shopping on the go, but what about when your customers are settled in with their laptops? Desktop shopping is like the main course of the e-commerce feast. It’s where the real in-depth browsing happens.

The nature of desktop shopping

Desktop shopping is like having a big canvas for your customers to paint their shopping journey on. Here’s why it’s super important.

All the details: On a desktop, there’s more room to show off your products. Big, beautiful images, and lots of space for all the nitty-gritty details that customers love to dig into.

Comparison made easy: Ever tried comparing products on a phone? It’s a bit of a juggle, right? On a desktop, customers can have multiple tabs open, making it easier to compare your awesome products with others.

The relaxed browsing experience: Picture your customer, coffee by their side, taking their time to browse through your store. Desktop shopping is often less about quick buys and more about enjoying the shopping experience.

Engaging with content and community

Desktops are great for diving deep into content and connecting with the community, an important aspect of multichannel ecommerce. Let’s break it down.

More than just shopping: Your blog posts, guides, how-to videos – all this content shines on a desktop. It’s where your customers go to learn more about your products and become real fans.

Building a community: Desktops are great for customers who want to engage more deeply, like writing reviews, participating in forums, or sharing their own content. It’s where they go from being customers to community members.

Integrating physical store experiences

Now, let’s talk about the physical side of things. Even in this digital age, there’s still something special about walking into a store and touching the products. It’s like the real-world extension of your online presence.

Online-to-offline connection

Imagine this: your customer has been eyeing a product online and now they’re stepping into your store to see it up close. Here’s where the magic of blending online with offline happens.

From screen to shelf: When customers find something they like online, they might want to see it in person before making up their minds. Having a physical store where they can do this bridges the gap between “I think I like it” and “I love it, I’m buying it.”

QR codes and digital info points: Put QR codes around your store. Customers can scan them to read reviews or see online-exclusive deals. It’s like having a digital assistant right there in the store.

Check out key differences between online and offline stores.

Consistency across channels

It’s all about making your customer feel like they’re shopping with the same brand, whether they’re online or in your store. Here’s how to nail that:

Keeping the vibe: Your store should feel like a live version of your website. Same colors, same style, same friendly vibe. It’s about making your customers feel at home wherever they shop with you.

Unified customer service: Whether a customer talks to a chatbot online or a real person in your store, the level of helpfulness and friendliness should be the same. Consistent customer service is key to keeping your shoppers happy and coming back.

End note

It’s clear that your customers are everywhere – and you should be too, especially in a multichannel ecommerce context.

The big lesson? Make every part of your store, whether it’s online or on the street, feel like a piece of a bigger, awesome puzzle. A smooth and fun shopping experience can turn a casual browser into your biggest fan in a multichannel ecommerce world.

So, keep these tips in your back pocket and remember, in the world of e-commerce, it’s all about making shopping as easy and enjoyable as catching up with an old friend. Here’s to creating experiences that keep your customers coming back for more in your multichannel ecommerce journey!

Ready to step up your mobile game?

Let’s book a 30-min mobile strategy session and give your shop a boost.

Ready to step up your mobile game?

Let’s book a 30-min mobile strategy session and give your shop a boost.